Staying on Track during the Holidays

April 23, 2024

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Staying on track with weight loss during the Christmas period can be challenging due to the abundance of delicious food and festive gatherings. However, with some planning and self-discipline, you can enjoy the holidays while still making progress toward your weight loss goals.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track: 

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Understand that it’s okay to maintain your current weight or have modest goals during the holiday season, as it can be difficult to actively lose weight during this time and maintaining can also be a great achievement over this busy period.
  2. Plan Ahead: Plan your meals and exercise routines in advance. Knowing what you’ll eat and when you’ll exercise can help you stay on track with regular eating and make healthier choices.
  3. Practice Portion Control: When indulging in holiday meals, be mindful of portion sizes and eat mindfully to prevent overeating.
  4. Choose Wisely: Opt for healthier options at holiday gatherings, such as lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Limit your consumption of sugary and fatty foods.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to ensure adequate hydration in the hot weather.
  6. Avoid Mindless Snacking: Be mindful of snacking while cooking or during social gatherings. Keep healthy snacks on hand and incorporate your favourite snacks into your day so that you are still enjoying the food.
  7. Maintain a Regular Exercise Routine: Continue with your exercise routine during the holidays. Even if you can’t do your usual workout, aim for shorter, high-intensity sessions or incorporate physical activity into holiday activities.
  8. Don’t Skip Meals: Skipping meals to “save” calories for a big holiday feast can lead to overeating. Have balanced, regular snacks and meals throughout the day.
  9. Watch Alcohol Intake: Alcohol can be high in sugar and can lower inhibitions, leading to overeating. Limit your alcohol consumption and opt for low carb options.
  10. Keep a Food Diary: Track your food intake and be honest with yourself about what you’re eating. This can help you stay accountable.
  11. Seek Support: Share your goals with friends and family so they can offer support and encouragement. You may even find a workout buddy for the holiday season.
  12. Forgive Yourself: If you do indulge more than you planned, don’t be too hard on yourself. One day of overeating won’t derail your entire weight loss journey. Get back on track the next day.

Remember that it’s okay to enjoy some holiday treats, but moderation is key. By planning ahead, making mindful choices, and staying active, you can still have a joyful holiday season while working toward your weight loss goals. 

If you’re interested in getting some assistance from our team of qualified Nutritionists and Dieticians to start your wellness journey, we are delighted to offer you a 45-minute consultation free of charge to determine if our team is the right fit for you.

To get started, please phone us now on (08) 9388 1166, or you can contact us via our website for more information.

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