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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
People Don’t Just Comment on my Weight Loss, They Have Noticed a “Glow”….
I first heard about Body Balancing Nutrition from a friend. I might not have taken much notice but for a woman in her late fifties she was in remarkably good shape. I wasn’t particularly over weight but knew that I had put on some weight as the years had gone by and lacked energy which I simply put down to being in my early 60s.

I took advantage of the initial free consultation. I met a woman in the waiting room who had only been on the programme for four weeks. She exuded health and vitality. The staff are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. More importantly, they talk sense. As a doctor I probably know more than the average person about diet, weight and health. Nevertheless, I have learnt much that I didn’t know. I was easily convinced to do the programme.

The goal was to lose approximately ten kilograms over three months. At no time was the process difficult. At no time have I been hungry. Eating six meals a day can be a challenge! What I did need to change was my buying habits at the supermarket. I started to look in other people’s trolleys. I realised that my basket now resembled those of people in obviously good shape. It did require some planning to produce different sorts of meals but my new “routine” stuck pretty quickly.

Within a week I noticed a significant increase in energy. I achieved my 10kg weight loss goal without a problem. Being in better shape motivates you to do other things and I am more committed to exercise than I was previously (even though this is not emphasised in the programme). I am also taking Pilates more seriously. The intervention is likely very timely given that my new girlfriend is a Dietician!

It is so nice buying medium sized t-shirts rather than extra-large! Many people have noticed the changes in me. Interestingly, they don’t just comment on weight loss but have noticed a “glow”. Perhaps the most amazing incident was a lady serving me in R M Williams who asked me to stop and turn around so she could look again at my blue eyes. This hasn’t happened since I was in my 20s!

So if you have got any doubts, leave them at the door. The staff will teach you what to eat and why. When you reach maintenance, as I have, you will find that you watch what you eat and adopt the principles to match your own lifestyle. It is very empowering.

Thank you to Ashleigh, Tanya and the rest of the team. I’ll continue to drop in for my “megaburn bars”!

*Disclaimers: Results may vary based on an individual’s requirements and compliance with Body Balancing’s programs and protocols
We are a team of Perth-based qualified Dietitians, Nutritionists and Professionals passionate about empowering you to achieve your health goals in areas that are important to you.
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