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“Knowledge of my Individual Medical Condition Gave Me Complete Confidence….”
Before my consult with Body Balancing Nutrition, I struggled with my weight, energy levels and overall health. Having come from a long history suffering an Auto immune disorder, my physical and mental wellbeing was beginning to diminish. The stress of managing parenthood, business commitments, running a household and family, it was my health and wellbeing that would take a back seat.

Having been persuaded by a close friend, I took the opportunity to do something about it. On my first visit I was surprised on how quickly the underlying issues were identified, what I was doing wrong, what I was doing right, and what I needed to change. I was also surprised on how easy implementing these changes to my lifestyle was going to be. I was given various simple tools and a plan to make these changes.

The level of knowledge on both general nutrition and diet pertaining to my individual medical condition gave me complete confidence in the BBN team and their strategy for me.

After only two months I managed to get back to a good healthy weight, my energy levels are considerably up, my pain levels are low and I’m now even more excited of what’s to come.

I’d really like to again thank the amazing team at Body Balancing Nutrition for all their help and support. You really have made a difference in my life and I highly recommend anyone whether it be for weight gain, weight loss, health issues or overall wellbeing to utilise the knowledge and expertise of this fantastic company and beautiful group of people.

*Disclaimers: Results may vary based on an individual’s requirements and compliance with Body Balancing’s programs and protocols
We are a team of Perth-based qualified Dietitians, Nutritionists and Professionals passionate about empowering you to achieve your health goals in areas that are important to you.
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