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“No Words Can Describe How Grateful I am for Your Continued Support…and I’m 30kg’s Lighter!”
Rewind to October 2015, the lowest point of my 37 years of existence, fatigued, sluggish, moody and extremely overweight it was time for change. I stumbled across BBN website and plucked up the courage to make the call. Little did I know this small step would change my life in so many ways.

Daunted and overwhelmed I dragged my loving husband to my initial FREE consultation for moral support. I sat in that appointment, broken, overwhelmed and ashamed of how somewhere between, being a mother, a wife, working and running our busy household I’d forgotten along the way to take care of myself…… what sort of role model was I being for our two beautiful daughters! It was harsh…..brutally harsh, it confirmed what I knew deep down, but didn’t want to acknowledge, my current eating habits and lifestyle choices had to change.

Honestly, the first week was consuming, I felt like I’d been engulfed! Eating more then I’d ever eaten before felt unfamiliar. I wondered how on earth I was going to lose weight eating so much (I’d spent years eating two high carb meals a day, always too busy to eat).

As the days went by, I became more prepared and my new found knowledge was applied, it became simple….too simple really! I was eating real food, my sugar cravings had stop and I never felt hungry.

The weight literally feel off, my sleep improved (no more lying awake for hours in the middle of the night), my PMS become virtually non-existent (hubby and kids love this!)

Mentally, I felt more at ease and alert, and as for my energy levels, they went through the roof! I honestly didn’t realise how easy everyday life can be when you’re eating a balanced diet tailored to your body.

To me, this isn’t a “weight loss program” it’s an empowerment of knowledge for maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle. Someone once said to me “Knowledge is Power”, I can truly understand what they meant now.

The incredibly supportive staff at BBN have given me that power, the power to change my life for the better, and this is something I’ll be eternally grateful for.

Fast forward to May 2016, I’m 30kg lighter (pure fat), equipped with a better understanding and knowledge of what it is my body needs to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle.

My advice to you…..take the step (you won’t look back), trust your nutritionist (she’s a wealth of knowledge), be prepared (won’t be difficult with your new raging energy levels) and don’t beat yourself up (you can’t change the past but you can change the future).

To the entire BBN team, no words can describe how grateful I am for your continued support, you’ve opened my eyes to a balanced lifestyle and you’ve completely turned my life around…..THANK YOU!

*Disclaimers: Results may vary based on an individual’s requirements and compliance with Body Balancing’s programs and protocols
We are a team of Perth-based qualified Dietitians, Nutritionists and Professionals passionate about empowering you to achieve your health goals in areas that are important to you.
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