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“I'm already clearing out the wardrobe of clothes now too big for me. That is an incredible feeling!”
I was ready for a new me. I’m 43 years old. Getting on the scales at whopping 113kg was a not a pleasant experience.
My doctor wanted me to have gastric surgery. I wasn’t keen. A friend of mine had great results with Body Balancing, so I knew I had to try an eating plan not another diet.

It’s now been 4 months. I’m incredibly excited, I’ve burned off nearly 10 kg of fat! Yay me!
The new me has so much more energy. No more tired afternoon slumps. I work with little children and now I can keep up with them.

I love that Body Balancing has supported me and shown me how to combine what I eat to keep me healthy and burn fat. Each week I am seeing the results. It’s very pleasing.

I’m never hungry, I’m actually eating more than I’ve ever thought possible and still reducing my weight.

The wonderful super helpful staff are always there to answer my many questions and guide me.

It’s a lifestyle change and I’m committed to it, I’ve still got another 20(odd)kg’s to burn but I am confident I’ve found a plan that works, especially now I, and everyone close to me, are seeing the results.
I’m already clearing out the wardrobe of clothes too big for me. That is an incredible feeling.

I’ve no hesitation in recommending Body Balancing to anyone because I know it works.

*Disclaimers: Results may vary based on an individual’s requirements and compliance with Body Balancing’s programs and protocols

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We are a team of Perth-based qualified Dietitians, Nutritionists and Professionals passionate about empowering you to achieve your health goals in areas that are important to you.
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