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“I Am Delighted With The Outcome”
I would like to express my appreciation for the services that you provided for me during my ‘Nutritional Learning Experience’ over the past 6 months.

I am delighted with the outcomes in that I lost 6 kilos of fat and gained a kilo of muscle – thus increasing my metabolic rate. This exceeded my expectations, as my previous attempts have resulted in marginal weight loss, that was not sustained.

The digital measures of various elements of the body in different locations was very helpful in providing relevant data on progress. Furthermore, the information enabled me to set goals e.g. the reduction of visceral fat around the organs to within the safe range. I am delighted that I achieved this goal with a reduction from 12 to 9.

The well founded information provided me with the means to understand the processes, and the principles have now been incorporated into my daily life. I am now confident that the benefits can be sustained.

I am amazed that the weight reduction and nutritional balance has resulted in significant increases in energy levels. I am now ‘jumping out of my skin’! I am recommending your services. Thankyou!

*Disclaimers: Results may vary based on an individual’s requirements and compliance with Body Balancing’s programs and protocols
We are a team of Perth-based qualified Dietitians, Nutritionists and Professionals passionate about empowering you to achieve your health goals in areas that are important to you.
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